Thank you, Thich Nhat Hanh

winds lovely and sweet
gently bend the ears of trees
son to bosom drawn


dew drop reveals all
verdant blade holds truth aloft
nature’s sangha shines


teaching eternal
a master’s deepest lesson
Thây lives in us all


It’s been extremely moving to witness the global outpouring of love in the wake of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh’s passing. This has helped me feel, and to truly know, that Thây (teacher, in Vietnamese) abides in every one of us he touched and awakened so deeply, so lovingly. It brings me joy to see his continuation taking flight around the world.

It’s an unfathomable honor to have walked the Earth contemporaneously with Thây, to have heard the Buddha speak through him and to aspire to his liberating bodhisattva path of love, peace, compassion and joy. And to know that this path is kissed by the feet of so many noble fellow-travelers: Anam Cara or soul friends, as John O’Donohue would say.

Among the vast bouquet of Thây‘s teachings which I will carry in my heart is the interbeing nature of poetry and life. His ability to convey brilliant insight, hope and beauty with the written and spoken word is simply captivating, and his demonstration of the poetry in living is a beacon of grace through mindfulness.

May the lamp of his irrepressible smile glow warmly in the hearts of all beings throughout the cosmos.

May the moon of his continuation faithfully reflect the sun of the path he illuminates… one step, one breath at a time.

Here and now, in mindfulness.

Love and peace to all,
Dan 🙏❤️

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