Help get the word out about our farmworker sisters’ struggle!


I’ve come across this story through several news outlets now, and I just can’t stop thinking about how glaringly outrageous this is. The whole of our society rests upon the backs of these women. They feed you, me, us, humanity. They possess vast stores of knowledge about things without which humanity would wither on the vine. And, above all, they are human beings. Just like you and me. No different. Same family. Emerging from the same cosmos. Born of the same mother Earth (although I suspect they know her better).

Here I guess I don’t really have too much to add to the journalism that’s been done so far. But I do want to provide links to some resources, in English and Spanish, so that we can help raise awareness about this issue, and to give assistance in whatever way we see fit. You can start by reading and listening to the stories of these women. Please feel free to re-post and share with all your social networks. As the three musketeers said, “All for one, and one for all!” 🙂

The first time I heard about this was about a week ago via this NPR radio report:

Last night I picked up a copy of La Opinion bearing this cover story:

The La Opinion article highlighted this 2010 report from the Southern Poverty Law Center:

Finally, the La Opinion article was based on the tremendous work being done by Lideres Campesinas, their website is:

* header photo credit: La Opinion Aurelia Ventura

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