Humanity’s pearl
Glorious grain peskily persistent
Unrelenting daring disturbance
Emerging resplendent righteous
Unflappable challenging champion
Undeniable precious miraculous
Shining distinguished unextinguishable
Anathema to status quo
Water truth expelling oil slick
Pushing from depths exposing superficial
Forcing reckoning on power and privilege
Those self-fancied enlightened important
Not looking seeing doing enough yet
Not dreaming defying fighting flying
Connecting weaving loving joining
Planting sowing tending growing
Singing dancing honoring bowing
Crying for more

What can we will we give
That Shel’s tree may live

Yo’ Pachamama bellows out
House ablaze roaring choking
Heard seen felt in life love’s cradle
Undistracted purposeful seers
They’ve got their Mother’s eyes
Ears nearer to roots’ grounded rouse
Elders ancestors venerable heeded
Mighty storm of blazing stardust
Time now to stand
Write fight cry delight
Greta has a posse
If you don’t know, now ya kno
And if ya kno, let’s go

 ✊Autumn Peltier✊
✊Charitie Ropati✊Xiuhtezcatl Martínez✊
✊Jasilyn Charger✊Naelyn Pike✊Anthony Tamez-Pochel✊
✊EllaMae Looney✊Isra Hirsi✊
✊Bruno Rodriguez✊Helena Gualinga✊
✊Mari Copeny✊


    1. Thanks so much! I hadn’t realized how controversial the book had become (link below) since I read and enjoyed it as a child. I feel it takes on a fresh, if unfortunate, relevance knowing what we know today (and what Greta’s telling us) about our effects on our beloved Earth. It’s high time for us to give back, in spades! Be well 🙂

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